Ingredients Archives: Feisty Fish Rub

Maple Smoked Bluefish

Maple Smoked Bluefish will change your mind about bluefish. Many fishermen love to fish for blues, but not many people love to eat blues. This recipes is every fisherman’s dream. You can keep your catch and please your family and friends all at the same time! You will never hear this tastes “fishy” again. The […]

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Baked Haddock with Feisty Fish Rub

Baked Haddock Feisty Fish Fillets

Baked Haddock Feisty Fish Fillets is a delicious, fast, easy, AND healthy recipe.  All the things we want in a quick meal. We used Sportsman’s Table’s Awesome Antler Rub (Sportsman’s Table Item #MG104) on the sliced, baked potatoes in this photo. Drizzle olive oil in a small bowl and Awesome Antler Rub stir thoroughly, add […]

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Feisty Catfish Cake Recipe

Feisty Catfish Cakes Recipe

Thank you to Sally K. from Newbury OH for sharing your Feisty Catfish Cakes recipe with us. The feisty fish rub is great on not only all kinds of fish but many other foods as well.  One of our favorites is feisty fish french fries! Share This:

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Smoked Trout with Capers

Smoked Trout with Capers is a signature dish at our house. The brown sugar fish cure we use to make it will make anything taste good! I would like to say it is our culinary skills but truth is… this stuff is awesome. Give it a try. The sauce we adopted from a friend and […]

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Wednesday, February 12th, 2025

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